Saturday, February 28, 2009

Sorry no new banner for March

Sorry everybody new banner for March coming up soon!!
It's because I don't really have that much time these days to design a new banner... As you people know that I just came back from Taiwan. I was renewing the blog with all the latest news and stuff, so I forgot that it's nearly the end of Febuary...SORRY!!!!

I've already decided the theme for March. It's on Coca Cola Zero. Hope You People will like it!
I'll renew the blog with new banner pretty soon... ><>I'll also be making one for April soon. I know it's a bit early but... there's a reason for that too. I'm flying back to Taiwan again on the 24th of March, personal reason.... I'll be returning before the 10th of April. So the banner for April will be posted somewhere in March before I fly back. As for the theme for April... I guess I'll make it WILD/Dr.

Thank You all!

♩♪♫♬ Amy ♬♫♪♩ owner of N.A.N.A

BEST FICTION Tour 2008~2009 in Osaka-Jo Hall pics from ga_bu

These are some pictures taken by ga_bu who went to 'BEST FICTION Tour 2008~2009' in Osaka-Jo Hall.

The Stage

^^" Just wondering... Will the stage even fit into Taipei ARENA? I mean from what I remember, Taipei ARENA is quite small compared to Japan's
Source: 偉士牌的安室奈美惠Namie Amuro
Photo taken by: ga_bu

^0^ The pictures can be enlarged

Preview 'LUIRE' April 2009 (BQ)

These are some previews of 'LUIRE' April 2009 in better quality (BQ). No idea if this one is in high quality (HQ) or not so if there's high quality (HQ) scans I'll post them as soon.

Source: 偉士牌的安室奈美惠Namie Amuro
^0^ The picture can be enlarged

Friday, February 27, 2009

Preview 'LUIRE' April 2009 (LQ)

These are some previews of 'LUIRE' April 2009 in low quality (LQ)

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Coca Cola Zero with Amuro Namie

Coca Cola Zero with Amuro Namie

2008年7月に発売したベストアルバム「BEST FICTION」が、170万枚を超える大ヒットを記録した安室奈美恵。現在“Fashion×Music×Vidal Sassoon”キャンペーンCM第3弾「ブルジョワ・ゴージャス」篇で入浴シーンを披露している彼女が、「コカ・コーラゼロ」が2009年から始める新広告キャンペーン「WILD HEALTH」のイメージキャラクターに決定。2月11日より、新テレビCM「ワイルドトレーニング」篇が全国で放映開始となる。

デビュー以来、既成概念に捉われることなく常に自分らしさを貫き通してきたストイックな姿勢。妥協することなく更なる高みを目指し続けることで多くの人々を魅了し続ける最高の歌やワイルドなダンスパフォーマンス。一方で、鍛え抜かれたヘルシーなボディラインや飾らないライフスタイルでも知られる人。まさに安 室奈美恵の存在そのものが、今回の新キャンペーンで「コカ・コーラ ゼロ」が伝えていきたい世界観や“WILD HEALTH”というコンセプトに合致し、イメージキャラクターへの起用が実現した。

Chinese translation
2008年7月發售了的精選專輯「BEST FICTION」,創造了超過170萬張(件)的大安全打的記錄的安室奈美惠。現在”Fashion×Music×Vidal Sassoon”宣傳活動CM第3子彈「中產階級·gorgeousness」篇宣佈洗澡景色的她,「可口可樂零」從2009年開始的新廣告宣傳活動「WILD HEALTH」的形像人物決定。自2月11日,新電視CM「王爾德練習」篇在全國成為播放開始。

初次亮相以來,既成概念捉不破裂經常自己們做貫穿通過了sa的禁慾的姿勢。由於不妥協以更變成的高處持續作為目標的事許多人持續奪人魂魄的最高的歌和粗野的跳舞表演。一方,被鍛鍊抽出了的健康的身體線和不裝飾的生活方式也被知道的人。確實安室奈美惠的存在本身,所說的由於此次的新宣傳活動「可口可樂 零」想傳達的世界觀”WILD HEALTH”的理念符合,對形像人物的起用實現了。


Source:偉士牌的安室奈美惠Namie Amuro
^0^ The pictures can be enlarged

最強&次世代歌姫は誰だ?Who is The Best, Most Popular Female Singer?

最強&次世代歌姫は誰だ?Who is The Best, Most Popular Female Singer?

1. Namie Amuro

2. Ayumi Hamasaki

3. Utada Hikaru

4. Thelma Aoyama
5. Koda Kumi

6. ayaka

7. rent is going

8. YUI


10. Shibasaki Kou

Chinese translation:
現在最有影響力的”最強的歌女”是誰——。吸引著08年的「CD單一」「CD相片簿」「原唱鈴聲Full」的銷售額,「實況錄音」的動員數,多少許多人的 關心「受歡迎度」的,總計5部門的數據。從那個共計點,排列次序化做了女性主唱綜合力首位20。同時,擔挑下一代的女性主唱也混合介紹。

Amuro Namie is ranked no. 1 as the Best/ Most Popular Female Singer!!!
Ayumi Hamasaki is right behind her.... Koda Kumi behind Thelma Aoyama.
Source: 偉士牌的安室奈美惠Namie Amuro
^0^ The picture can be enlarged


This is the WILD HEALTH ZERO Coca-Cola promotion picture.

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BEST FICTION Tour 2008~2009 in Taiwan?

安室素顏遛狗 年中再來賣唱


31歲的安室,外型和婚前當紅時改變不大,但她對自己的外型一直很沒信心,還有個不為人知的罩門──眉毛。原來她剛出道時,很苦惱自己的眉毛很稀疏,後來為了造型剃成細眉,遠看宛如「無眉道人」,一度讓她很自卑。 去年4月她訪台開唱造成轟動,今年可望再度來台舉辦演唱會,目前行程尚未確定,但據悉應會在6、7月,喜歡安室的台灣粉絲,很快又能欣賞到她的精彩表演。
Amuro Namie might hold her BEST FICTION Tour 2008~2009 in Taiwan in June or July!!!
^0^ So all Amuro fans in Taiwan, You'll be seeing her pretty soon!!!
Source:Taiwan News
偉士牌的安室奈美惠Namie Amuro
^0^ The pictures can be enlarged

Thursday, February 26, 2009

青山黛瑪-留在我身邊 そばにいるね

This song sounds really good^^ sang by 青山黛瑪 (Aoyama Thelma)
there's also a chinese version sang by 大嘴巴 (Da Mouth)

青山黛瑪-留在我身邊 そばにいるね feat. SoulJa


Source: YouTube 大嘴巴 (Da Mouth)-永遠在身邊
YouTube 青山黛瑪-留在我身邊 そばにいるね
feat. SoulJa

'LUIRE' April 2009 cover (HQ)

This is high quality (HQ) scan of 'LUIRE' April 2009

偉士牌的安室奈美惠Namie Amuro)
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WILD HEALTH & VS Promotion pics


Vidal Sassoon

偉士牌的安室奈美惠Namie Amuro
^0^ The pictures can be enlarged

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I'm Back!!!

Hi~ everybody!!!!
I'm back from my holiday ^^ just came back yesterday....*yawn* tired
I must say i enjoyed my time in Taiwan, and Singapore too!!!
I noticed that Taiwanese people really love J-pop!!! ><>

Sorry for the

As you can see I've already posted most of Amuro Namie's latest news.
And once again thank you all for supporting N.A.N.A. ^0^
Even though I noticed I'm getting less visitors these days...(maybe because I didn't post anything) but I'll have N.A.N.A. back to shape in no time!!! ><"

Please feel free to leave some comments... there were no new posted comments at all when i was on holiday.

Thank You all!
♩♪♫♬ Amy ♬♫♪♩ owner of N.A.N.A

'LUIRE' April 2009 cover (LQ)

This is the low quality (LQ) scan of 'LUIRE' April 2009.

Source: 偉士牌的安室奈美惠Namie Amuro
^0^ The picture can be enlarged

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

BEST FICTION- Week 29 & 30

安室奈美恵 Amuro Namie- BEST FICTION

Week 29
Position: #61

Week 29: 2,283

Total: 1,489,224

'BEST FICTION' dropped 2 places this week


Week 30
Position: #67

Week 30: 1,940

Total: 1,491,164

'BEST FICTION' dropped 6 places this week
^0^ The pictures can be enlarged

Monday, February 23, 2009

CDTV "Female singer you want to be your lover?"

Amuro Namie is no.7 on CDTV 2009 Poll "Female singer you want to be your lover?":

Source: YouTube

Sunday, February 22, 2009

"Dr." #1 on

"Dr." is No.1 most downloaded song on the Japanese Mobile Phone download site 「着うたフル®」:

By the way if you don't know is ? Take a look at Yahoo Answers
Source: 「着うたフル®」
^0^ The pictures can be enlarged

Friday, February 20, 2009

安室奈美惠Namie Amuro Official Website has been updated with "WILD/Dr." theme! High quality pictures extracted from the site are available below:

Source: 安室奈美惠Namie Amuro Official Website
^0^ The pictures can be enlarged

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Covers of "WILD/Dr." revealed!!!

Here are the covers for "WILD/Dr.":



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Tuesday, February 17, 2009

'WOOFIN' girl' April 2009 (HQ)

These are the high quality (HQ) scans of 'WOOFIN' girl' March 09 issue:

scans by: NATE @
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