Saturday, February 28, 2009

Sorry no new banner for March

Sorry everybody new banner for March coming up soon!!
It's because I don't really have that much time these days to design a new banner... As you people know that I just came back from Taiwan. I was renewing the blog with all the latest news and stuff, so I forgot that it's nearly the end of Febuary...SORRY!!!!

I've already decided the theme for March. It's on Coca Cola Zero. Hope You People will like it!
I'll renew the blog with new banner pretty soon... ><>I'll also be making one for April soon. I know it's a bit early but... there's a reason for that too. I'm flying back to Taiwan again on the 24th of March, personal reason.... I'll be returning before the 10th of April. So the banner for April will be posted somewhere in March before I fly back. As for the theme for April... I guess I'll make it WILD/Dr.

Thank You all!

♩♪♫♬ Amy ♬♫♪♩ owner of N.A.N.A


Anonymous said...

oh... that's ok!
I mean then I can go visit you when you return back to Taiwan XD
but the SAT Exam is really hard... lot of pressure.

Anonymous said...

what will your background colour be?
i think it should be black or something. since WILD HEALTH is like black

Anonymous said...

like what Namie News Network looks like now?

Amy. C said...

umm not black, I was thinking red or something A.C.
I promised that I'll never make N.A.N.A. the same as Namie News Network.
Just wait and see people...

Anonymous said...

Hey Amy
I have this great background picture!!!
I mean i think it'll fit your theme
I'll like send it to your hotmail XD
hope it'll help

Amy. C said...

cool background!
I might use your background since it looks much better than the one I was going to use