Friday, September 14, 2012


「namie amuro 20th ANNIVERSARY LIVE in OKINAWA 開催中止のお知らせ」  
 9月16日(日)沖縄県 宜野湾海浜公園野外特設会場にて開催準備をしておりました namie amuro 20th ANNIVERSARY LIVE in OKINAWAは、大型の台風16号の接近に伴い、 お客様の安全を第一に考慮し安室奈美恵20周年沖縄公演実行委員会一同で 
協議を重ねた結果、開催を中止する事に致しました。 開催を楽しみにしていた皆様には、誠に申し訳ございませんが、 
ご理解いただけますよう、何卒宜しくお願い致します。 20周年のデビュー日イベントの主旨上、振替公演はございません。  
The cancel information about the event "namie amuro 20th ANNIVERSARY LIVE in OKINAWA"  We decided the cancel of the event "namie amuro 20th ANNIVERSARY LIVE in OKINAWA" scheduled to be held outside at a special site in Ginowan Seaside Park in Okinawa on Sunday, September 16. We took first priority of your safety from the affection of typhoon No. 16 after careful discussion in the "namie amuro 20th ANNIVERSARY LIVE in OKINAWA" executive committee meeting. We are deeply sorry to announce this cancellation to you and please understand this decision from current worst weather situation. There is no rescheduled concert because of the purpose of this event that the event date is the debut day of 20th anniversary.  Please refer following site to refund the ticket. 
the special site of “namie amuro 20th ANNIVERSARY LIVE in OKINAWA”
Namie Amuro Facebook Official
Always support Amuro Namie!!!♡


Anonymous said...

I was looking forward to this, now nothing

Amy. C said...

me too, I was excited when WOWOW announced a broadcast of the concert in November....