Friday, July 24, 2009

安室奈美惠讓台灣歌迷好感動 9月將發行台北演唱會DVD


包含台灣、上海在內,安室奈美惠的巡迴演唱會「namie amuro BEST FICTION TOUR 2008-2009」共舉辦了64場,不但締造日本樂壇新紀錄,甚至還將台灣場發行成DVD,除了演唱會畫面之外,連幕後花絮都是台灣,屆時勢必會造成一波搶購熱潮,歌迷們可以重溫這場精采演唱會的幕前與幕後。
English translation
brief information

Amuro Namie Just finished her 2 concerts in Taipei, within a month they announced the release of the DVD on the 9th of September, and it's the ones filmed in Taiwan! The news was posted on her
安室奈美惠Namie Amuro Official Website-Avex- many fans posted their comments, saying that they are really happy, excited and touched. This is also the second time avex used concert shots out side of Japan, Hamasaki Ayu was the first one.

Including Taiwan, and Shanghai. There's 64 concerts in total, it broked the record in Japan, the DVD contains the concerts in Taiwan, and even the off shot scenes are from Taiwan,
Sorry if the English part doesn't make sense...
Sources: 偉士牌的安室奈美惠Namie Amuro
Yahoo News Taiwan
Always support Amuro Namie!!!♡