Tuesday, August 6, 2013

namie amuro FEEL tour 2013 tour goods (02)

「namie amuro FEEL tour 2013」まであと10日となりました!
本日からOfficial Facebookページにてカウントダウンが始まります!ツアーグッズを身に着け可愛くポーズを決めるAmuro chan・・・☆

Only 10 more days to the "namie amuro FEEL tour 2013"!!
Are you guys ready???
The countdown will start on the Official Facebook page today!
Here is Amuro-chan with the tour merchandise!
The WHITE Cap is a limited version for fan club members only!

Source: Namie Amuro Facebook Official
^0^ The pictures can be enlarged
Always support Amuro Namie!!!♡