Tuesday, June 26, 2012

'Uncontrolled' posters

6月27日発売「Uncontrolled」を全国のCDショップでご予約またはお買い上げいただきましたお客さまに先着特典として「B2ポスター(Uncontrolledオリジナルver.)」をプレゼント! 一部のショップ(またはECサイト)では特典の取り扱いがない場合もございます。ご希望のお客さまは必ずご予約・ご購入前にご利用のショップにて特典の有無をご確認ください。
For those who made reservations to purchase or actually purchase the new album "Uncontrolled" (to be released on June 27th) at CD retails stores across Japan, you will receive a special "B2 Poster ("Uncontrolled" original version)" to commemorate the release of the new album!! Please be advised that this special bonus will not be available at some CD retail stores (and online stores). For those who would like to have the poster, please make sure to ask the store in advance of your reservation or purchase. 
^0^ The pictures can be enlarged 
Always support Amuro Namie!!!♡


Anonymous said...

ordered from CDJapan & got the first one