Monday, November 3, 2008

Boots Queen Again

Amuro Namie Boots Queen Again!!

In a new poll with the beauty and health department of the Oricon, Namie has been named the #1 female celebrity boot wearer. Namie known for her knee-high boots outranked fellow Okinawa Actor’s School album, Yuu Yamada who came in at #2 as well as model Karina.

Some comments on the polls include a response from a 21 year old female from Tokyo stating that Namie was the most suited celebrity towards boots and that it was fantastic that she could dance in them. Another 22 year old respondent also from Tokyo, commented that Namie’s style was good and that her feet are thin which helps make boots match her well.
I totally agree that Amuro Namie is the most suited celebrity towards boots!
Source: Oricon
^0^ The pictures can be enlarged