Tuesday, June 30, 2009

辣!安室奈美惠性感入浴照曝光 露香肩、秀濕亮長髮

辣!安室奈美惠性感入浴照曝光 露香肩、秀濕亮長髮




而為了讓廣告中的安室能以最奢華卻又優雅的造型呈現,沙宣再度重金禮聘到兩位引領全球潮流的設計師為安室打造出最獨一無二的造型及髮型,分別是以「慾望城市」紅遍全球的時尚潮流服裝設計師Patricia Field及曾任瑪丹娜專屬髮型大師的Orlando Pita,三人再度合作的好默契,不但使拍攝過程非常順利,更讓嚴肅的拍片現場充滿愉悅的氣氛。

曾獲奧斯卡最佳服裝設計提名的Patricia Field,根據安室所具備的特質-極具巨星風采但卻典雅,量身打造尊貴且優雅的復古造型,特別挑選中古世紀長禮服與奢華配件,Patricia十分滿意表示「安室百分之百的呈現出我所想要的風貌。」縱橫各大秀場的國際級髮型師Orlando Pita在拍攝片場,細心的為安室梳理髮絲「我希望能打造出「喀什米爾羊絨」般卻又富彈性的髮質,看著鏡頭前閃耀、滑順的秀髮,與中古歐式宮廷氣氛完美搭配,這真的只有安室能作到!」
English translation

it's basically the same as this post 安室奈美惠挑戰自我新境界 性感、復古上身拍攝新廣告


Source: 偉士牌的安室奈美惠Namie Amuro
Yahoo News Taiwan
Always support Amuro Namie!!!♡

FanSpace Vol. 25

These are the scans of 'FanSpace Vol. 25

Source: 偉士牌的安室奈美惠Namie Amuro
scanned by [安室小公主]
^0^ The pictures can be enlarged
Always support Amuro Namie!!!♡

Monday, June 29, 2009

July theme

Hey everyone!
Didn't change the banner last month... sorry... Been really busy these days.

This month's theme is Amuro Namie in Taiwan! (well she was in Taiwan a few weeks ago, so the idea just popped out of my head.... really random)

The background's just basically 'Amuro Namie and 安室奈美恵
The banner's just some photos of Amuro Namie while she was in Taiwan
And the little banner on top of the post's some more photos of BEST FICTION Tour.
The colour's really bright, with a black backgroun (Came up with the bright colours because I was thinking of BEST FICTION Tour, fantasy and all)

I know this is not the best, but hope you people will like it!

Thank You all!
Amy. C owner of N.A.N.A

日本麥當勞promotion. Japan McDonald promotion

日本麥當勞promotion. Japan McDonald promotion

Source: 偉士牌的安室奈美惠Namie Amuro
^0^ The pictures can be enlarged
Always support Amuro Namie!!!♡

台灣沙宣官網更新 Taiwan Vidal Sassoon website

台灣沙宣官網更新 Taiwan Vidal Sassoon website

Sources: 偉士牌的安室奈美惠Namie Amuro
Vidal Sassoon Taiwan
^0^ The pictures can be enlarged
Always support Amuro Namie!!!♡

TACT Best Fiction 台北演唱會新聞

Sources: YouTube
Uploaded by: N.A.N.A. YouTube Page
Always support Amuro Namie!!!♡

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Complete Scans of 'Photo&Episode 安室奈美惠 Amazing!'

These are the complete scans of 'Photo&Episode 安室奈美惠 Amazing!' Found on another Amuro Namie fan blog NNN

Thanks to UH+ for sharing these lovely pictures!
If you are a Amuro Namie fan, then I suggest you should get the book
I think I should get the book too!
Source: NNN
^0^ The pictures can be enlarged
Always support Amuro Namie!!!♡