Sunday, July 8, 2012

Amuro with Ms Yeung Mei-Kei

商業電台一台Commercial Radio 1「雷霆音樂派」の楊美琪さんと☆放送は7月14日(土)15:30から!!お楽しみに☆
商業電台一台Commercial Radio 1「雷霆音樂派」的楊美琪女士和☆將於7月14日(週六)15:30開始播放!!敬請期待☆
Amuro chan with Ms Yeung Mei-Kei of Commercail Radio 1☆It will be braodcasted on July 14 (Sat) 15:30 !! Look forward to it☆ 

Sources: Namie Amuro Facebook Official


^0^ The pictures can be enlarged 

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