Saturday, June 13, 2009

New tie-in with McDonald!?!

New tie-in with McDonald?!?
According to Baidu Amuro Namie will be the spokes-person for the new McDonald campaign. Starting on the 19th of June. What's best is her new summer single will be the theme song for it!!!!

偉士牌的安室奈美惠Namie Amuro
^0^ The pictures can be enlarged
Always support Amuro Namie!!!♡


Nagisa said...

Hope it's real
Can't wait for her new single ^^
Namie chan is so busy these days...
And if I'm right I think her BEST FICTION TOUR Taipei is in a weeks time!

NAfan-Sam said...

Namie's busy as Nagisa said
I haven't seen her on TV these days... like Heyx3
and Utaban

Busy Namie
but she loves her job!

Grace Chang said...

New single?
that's fast!

I can see that she really loves her job
and we really love her ^^

Amy. C said...

If this news is real that is

If there's a new single, it would be great if she could perform it in Taiwan ^^" So you people who are going to it are so LUCKY~