歌迷一面倒 叫好
English translation
Brief information
Even though Amuro Namie didn't talk much during her concert on the 20th and the 21st of June. Her fans really enjoyed their night. Amuro Namie did say thank you in Chinese, that made taiwan fans really happy! After she returned to the hotel, she posted 'Taiwan fans are just so energetic, full of power! More powerful than me! I'll do my very best tomorrow!!
BEST FICTION Tour 2008~2009 has been going on for a long time, nearly a year. In Japan there's already 60 concerts, 40 thousand people attended. Plus the ones in Taiwan last night, and the ones in Shanghai next month there should be over 50 thousand people in total.
Amuro Namie will be leaving Taiwan this afternoon at 2:30 PM on flight JL648.
Sorry the English translation's not really that good, and not really complete.
Source: 偉士牌的安室奈美惠Namie Amuro
^0^ The pictures can be enlarged
Always support Amuro Namie!!!♡
Namie didn't talk much but the concert was good!
I love 麻辣鍋
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