「女神」安室時隔1年再出巡台灣,台北小巨蛋湧入1萬觀眾。今年演唱會舞台更形豪華,動用17個40呎貨櫃,台、日工作人員共400位,第一首歌〈Do Me More〉就用上20公尺寬環繞型LED,展現閃亮炫幻霓虹風格,她身穿黑色緊身馬甲搭粉紅緞面襯衣,以女王姿態現身黑色寶座,現場尖叫不斷。
演唱〈New Look〉時,安室配合舞台動畫從巨大高跟鞋中現身,下半場則坐在懸吊的月亮上演唱,讓歌迷直呼「卡哇伊」。她演唱話題廣告曲〈ROCK STEADY〉、〈WHAT A FEELING〉時,現場氣氛高漲,小巨蛋化為巨大夜店,惜字如金的她,也小秀中文:「大家好。」
English translation
Brief information
Taipei ARENA transformed into a night club last night!
BEST FICTION Tour Taipei started last night in Taipei ARENA. Amuro Namie changed 9 costumes, as usual Amuro Namie's shy, so she didn't talk much, but her fans didn't mind.
Amuro will perform her last concert tonight, and she'll leave taiwan on the next day the 22nd of June 2009.
Sorry the English translation's not really that good, and not really complete.
Source: 偉士牌的安室奈美惠Namie Amuro
^0^ The pictures can be enlarged
Always support Amuro Namie!!!♡
it was like a night club everyone enjoyed the concert!
It's really enjoyable, and everyone went to HIGH
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