Saturday, June 20, 2009

保鑣遭量耳溫 安室奈美惠笑開懷

保鑣遭量耳溫 安室奈美惠笑開懷

日本藝人安室奈美惠(中)19日來台舉辦演唱會,在通過發燒篩檢站時,她的保鑣因體溫過高被攔下量耳溫,她和其他工作人員都笑得不可開交。中央社記者劉得倉攝 98年6月19日
English translation

Amuro Namie was surprising in a very good mood when she arrived in Taipei airport compared to last year.
She constantly taking photos with her cellphone and she even find it funny when some of her bodyguards being retained during the temperature check, due to high body temperature!

Sorry the English translation's not really that good, and not really complete.
Source: 偉士牌的安室奈美惠Namie Amuro
Yahoo News Taiwan
^0^ The pictures can be enlarged
Always support Amuro Namie!!!♡


Grace Chang said...

that's really funny~

NAfan-Sam said...

Good thing that the New flu didn't really stop Namie from coming to Taiwan