------------------------------ Sources: 偉士牌的安室奈美惠Namie Amuro Yahoo auction Japan ------------------------------ ^0^ The pictures can be enlarged Always support Amuro Namie!!!♡
Low quality (LQ) scans... still waiting for the high quality (HQ) ones ------------------------------ Sources: 偉士牌的安室奈美惠Namie Amuro ------------------------------ ^0^ The pictures can be enlarged Always support Amuro Namie!!!♡
------------------------------ Sources: 偉士牌的安室奈美惠Namie Amuro ------------------------------ ^0^ The pictures can be enlarged Always support Amuro Namie!!!♡
01 NAKED 02 BAD HABIT 03 HELLO 04 FAST CAR 05 make it happen 06 COPY THAT 07 WHAT A FEELING 08 #1 09 SHUT UP 10 TOP SECRET 11 Tempest 12 Get myself back 13 Uh Uh 14 ROCK STEADY 15 Defend Love 16 Break it 17 Wonder Woman 18 HIDE & SEEK 19 Queen of Hip-Pop 20 ROCK U 21 HIGHER (New Coco Cola Zero theme song) 22 UNUSUAL Encore 23 Fight Together 24 New song (Ballad) ------------------------------ Sources: 偉士牌的安室奈美惠Namie Amuro NNN ------------------------------ Always support Amuro Namie!!!♡
It's really exciting to see that there's a new site (naked) for Namie's new single! That's not it! If you join there twitter service, you get a chance to see the behind the scene video of 'NAKED' Below is the video, thanks to NNN for providing the youtube link!
------------------------------ Sources: 偉士牌的安室奈美惠Namie Amuro NNN YouTube Uploaded by: mrsnobodyishere ------------------------------ ^0^ The pictures can be enlarged Always support Amuro Namie!!!♡
------------------------------ Sources: 偉士牌的安室奈美惠Namie Amuro ------------------------------ ^0^ The pictures can be enlarged Always support Amuro Namie!!!♡
------------------------------ Sources: 偉士牌的安室奈美惠Namie Amuro ------------------------------ ^0^ The pictures can be enlarged Always support Amuro Namie!!!♡
Welcome to Namie Amuro News Area (N.A.N.A) N.A.N.A. Is a fan made blog about our all time Queen of Hip-Pop, Amuro Namie!!! It contains all the latest, up-to-date informations, news, and pictures about Amuro Namie!! Please take a look if you are a fan of Amuro Namie ^0^ Maybe you heard her name before, heard her songs before, seen her on TV before, but you just don't really know who she really was! N.A.N.A. is a one-stop place for those who are Amuro Namie fans, and curious people who wants to know more about her ^0^
Thank You~ ありがと ございます〜 ^0^
安室奈美惠 Amuro Namie
安室 奈美恵(あむろ なみえ Amuro Namie) also known as Namie Amuro 1977/09/20 沖縄県那覇市出身(Born in Naha City, Okinawa, Japan) 血液型 (Blood type) O型 身長(height) 158cm 体重(weight) 40kg
I move around a lot... this year I'm here next year I'm somewhere else... you never know >.<
But one thing will always stay the same, that is being a fan of Amuro Namie ^0^