Medium quality scans of 'GISELe' November 2009 ------------------------------ Sources: 偉士牌的安室奈美惠Namie Amuro Scanned by: budonkadonk ------------------------------ ^0^ The pictures can be enlarged Always support Amuro Namie!!!♡
Amuro Namie was invited by Karl Lagerfeld to the Milan fashion week and was arranged to sit in the VIP area! They revealed that after her 3 days stay in Milan, Amuro Namie will be flying over to Paris for a photo-shoot by Karl Lagerfeld. It was said that Amuro Namie doesn't seem to be fluent in English and often use her smile to avoid questions that were asked in English. ------------------------------ Sources: NNN ------------------------------ ^0^ The pictures can be enlarged Always support Amuro Namie!!!♡
多層次的圍裙洋裝,在復古的雪紡印花中搖曳生姿;男性化領巾,混搭女性花朵和透明圖案的褲裝配搭,揉合陽剛和柔美。Cavalli另以不對稱手法,強調寬鬆的輪廓和垂墜的設計,突出綢緞細膩的質感。而猶如陽光曝曬後的「褪色」處理,使得明年春裝散發一種慵懶美。 ------------------------------ Nothing about Amuro Namie. Just a picture of her ^^" Sources: 偉士牌的安室奈美惠Namie Amuro ------------------------------ ^0^ The pictures can be enlarged Always support Amuro Namie!!!♡
春夏FENDI出現許多如粉膚、薄荷綠等的清嫩色彩,安室表示這些也是她喜歡的顏色,她說:「很可愛,雖然我常穿一身黑色,但有時也會做可愛的打扮。」看完秀她在後台待了一會兒即離開,並未和設計師Karl來個相見歡,反倒在路邊和粉絲拍照。 拋開秋冬季的幾何與變形遊戲,到了明年春夏FENDI輪廓變得柔和,不收邊設計在這次的米蘭時裝周大行其道,從PRADA到FENDI的系列服裝中都可以發現蹤跡,用這樣的小細節打破精雕細琢的拘謹,添入率性自在質感。蕾絲、薄紗與荷葉等元素的組合,變成內睡衣般的性感bra、短褲及罩衫,幾季以來強烈的線條不復見,FENDI女人變得更嬌媚動人。 報導:林明瑋 攝影:陳賜哿 -------------------- English translation brief information
Karl Lagerfel invited Amuro Namie to the 'Fendi Spring/Summer 2010 collection' in Milan on the 27th of September this year. Amuro Namie said 'I like all the designs, it looks really cute!' ------------------------------ Sources: 偉士牌的安室奈美惠Namie Amuro ------------------------------ ^0^ The pictures can be enlarged Always support Amuro Namie!!!♡
Amuro Namie appeared in the Fashion Week in Milan. She attended the "Fendi Spring/Summer 2010 collection" in Milan on 27 September ------------------------------ Sources: NNN ------------------------------ ^0^ The pictures can be enlarged Always support Amuro Namie!!!♡
More photos from the making of 'AMUROAD WORLD STYLE' ------------------------------ Sources: 偉士牌的安室奈美惠Namie Amuro ------------------------------ ^0^ The pictures can be enlarged Always support Amuro Namie!!!♡
Week 60: 1,500 Total: 1,530,146 ------------------------------ Sales increased after the release of 'BEST FICTOIN TOUR 2008-2009' DVD/Blu-ray!!!! Sources: Oricon Style ------------------------------ ^0^ The pictures can be enlarged Always support Amuro Namie!!!♡
Low quality (LQ) preview scans of 'GISELe' November 2009 ------------------------------ Sources: 偉士牌的安室奈美惠Namie Amuro ------------------------------ ^0^ The pictures can be enlarged Always support Amuro Namie!!!♡
These are the photos from the making of 'AMUROAD WORLD STYLE' ------------------------------ Sources: AMX NNN ------------------------------ ^0^ The pictures can be enlarged Always support Amuro Namie!!!♡
安室用加進了倫敦,俄羅斯,洛杉磯的傾向的服裝,髮型登場。「頭髮和流行,各自的國家們都做著做一邊出sa,厲害地好打扮,可愛」PR。 -------------------- English translation
News came out from, 'COPY THAT' and "My Love" are described as new songs from Amuro Namie's upcoming album/ single. The new album/single will be releasing in the end of this year ------------------------------ Sources: 偉士牌的安室奈美惠Namie Amuro ------------------------------ ^0^ The pictures can be enlarged Always support Amuro Namie!!!♡
Vidal Sassoon (VS) website updated with the new 2009 'Styling & Hair-care series' campaign with new videos and photos! ------------------------------ Sources: 偉士牌的安室奈美惠Namie Amuro Vidal Sassoon (VS) website ------------------------------ ^0^ The pictures can be enlarged Always support Amuro Namie!!!♡
Welcome to Namie Amuro News Area (N.A.N.A) N.A.N.A. Is a fan made blog about our all time Queen of Hip-Pop, Amuro Namie!!! It contains all the latest, up-to-date informations, news, and pictures about Amuro Namie!! Please take a look if you are a fan of Amuro Namie ^0^ Maybe you heard her name before, heard her songs before, seen her on TV before, but you just don't really know who she really was! N.A.N.A. is a one-stop place for those who are Amuro Namie fans, and curious people who wants to know more about her ^0^
Thank You~ ありがと ございます〜 ^0^
安室奈美惠 Amuro Namie
安室 奈美恵(あむろ なみえ Amuro Namie) also known as Namie Amuro 1977/09/20 沖縄県那覇市出身(Born in Naha City, Okinawa, Japan) 血液型 (Blood type) O型 身長(height) 158cm 体重(weight) 40kg
I move around a lot... this year I'm here next year I'm somewhere else... you never know >.<
But one thing will always stay the same, that is being a fan of Amuro Namie ^0^